Thursday, February 5, 2009


1. I thought about blogging the last 2 days, but Tuesday I was exhausted and Wednesday my husband came home *wink, wink*.
2. I’ve come to discover that I’m completely organized…on paper.
3. Nolan was just being destructive with the Hulk Smash Hands, but now he’s trying on butterfly dress up shoes. He’s well rounded I would say!
4. For the past 2 days I have planned my life on paper, finished the girls’ baby photo books for their birthday, done some laundry and stared at the dishes.
5. Winter needs to go away. It makes me feel so blah. Damn that groundhog!
6. I’m so glad that my husband had the realization that what I do as a SAHM is hard. There should be a class for husbands whose wives stay at home. They should have a “boot camp” or something. What a perfect idea for a reality show!
7. The kids put the clean sheets on their beds for the first time. Ahhh…one less chore for Mommy!
8. I finally got to watch the first episode LOST for this season. I’m excited to see some things get resolved.
9. We may be having a Laundromat date this weekend. The washer is on the fritz again.
10. I’m going to try to widdle the kids’ wardrobe down a bit. The older they get, the pickier they get and they seem to be wearing the same things over and over again.
11. This summer the girls are getting an “all dress” wardrobe. They ask for dresses every day. I don’t know why I bother buying shorts.
12. My poor baby is exhausted and it is hard for both of us to wait until 7:30pm.
13. I’m hoping since Don is home, I won’t have insomnia.
14. We ordered Domino’s Pizza tonight. Word of advice, don’t order the white garlic sauce instead of marinara – it is GROSS!
15. The girls have been watching “The Wizard of Oz”. It’s cute to watch the girls dance around to the lollipop kids song. I also love to hear Mattie say “Dorafy”.
16. Donald is bored at school. It’s really starting to show lately. He’s losing interest and keeps asking why he has to do all of these papers that are so easy. Hopefully there will be some good programs for him in MD.
17. The kids fought like cats and dogs today. I’m mentally exhausted from mediating. Why can’t they all just get along? LOL!
18. I really need to research and implement some new parenting strategies for when they fight. I’ve never had to deal with this “sibling rivalry” thing growing up. I just want to put them in a soundproof, locked room until someone wins.
19. Their new thing is to have wrestling matches and box with the Hulk Hands. Even the baby gets in the action and jumps on the top of the pile.
20. I’m in the mood to go for a long bike ride, by myself. Too bad it’s 15 degrees outside.
21. I used to bike 75 miles every weekend on the towpath when I was in high school. Now, my leg muscles are like jello.
22. I want to get all pretty for Valentine’s Day and go on a date. I may get my date, but we may not be alone. It’s too hard to find a sitter.
23. It’s funny. I started babysitting when I was 13 for a toddler and a baby. I wouldn’t even think of leaving my kids with a 13 year old today. Kids are not responsible anymore. It’s really a shame.
24. I’m ready for bed. Is it 8 o’clock yet???

25. I want to take a mini-vacation. I’d be happy with an oceanfront room on the boardwalk for the weekend. Just an escape from things…

Monday, February 2, 2009


1. I had 3 children puking at 1am. Donald and Mattie were actually sick and Kira just joined in for fun.
2. The 2 sickies proceeded to puke until 6am.
3. Then the baby started at 10am.
4. It’s been a rockin’ day!
5. I’m hopeful that it is over. The linens are being washed, the dishes are in the sink and the kids are in the tub. We are on our way to being germ-free. After they go to bed I’m going to party with my can of Lysol.
6. On top of it all I think Nolan has an ear infection. I made him an appointment for tomorrow.
7. I hope Donald will feel well enough to go back to school tomorrow. He’s missed a lot of school because we were in Ohio and I would like to conserve his sick days.
8. Because of my sick kids, I was very productive. I washed some dishes, did 5 loads of linens and some clothes, cleaned ½ the girls room and packed 2 boxes of toys and washed the girls’ bedding.
9. I am in need of a shower and I think I forgot to eat dinner. I always forget about me when the kids are sick.
10. I’m thankful for my friend who delivered some groceries. The kids always get sick when we’re out of milk.
11. Sitting in my office chair, I’m now realizing how tired I really am.
12. I have to remember to throw away toothbrushes when I’m done blogging.
13. I took all the trash out of the house today. I will be a miracle if I actually remember to take it to the curb tonight.
14. So much for my “day old” hair looking good. I seriously look like I’ve been in bed for a week. Don’t I wish!
15. I completely deserve a whole day to myself when Don comes home. He better take the kids out so I can veg.
16. My husband is slowly becoming agoraphobic. He hates to go anywhere crowded. I’ll have better luck winning the lottery than getting my husband to take the kids out of the house.
17. I love listening to the girls play in the tub. They always sound so grown up.
18. I love it when Donald tells Nolan “That is unacceptable”, when he scolds him.
19. Nolan has been trying to tell me what to do. If I pick up his diaper to throw it away, he grabs my hand and takes me to the trashcan and points to it. If I take the bag out of the trashcan, he grabs my hand, takes me to the back door and points to the trashcans. He’s becoming quite the big boy!
20. He is also a sorter. He knows what bucket all of the toys go in his room.
21. Kira and Nolan were watching Alvin and the Chipmunks to day and Nolan was trying to dance like them.
22. It amazes me that toddlers can be sick, throw up and magically feel great. I usually feel like crap all day long.
23. It was 65 degrees today. I had all the doors and windows open. I can’t wait for spring!
24. I’m hoping the cherry trees will still be blooming when we move to MD. It smells so great in D.C. in the spring!
25. Well, here’s hoping for a puke-free, productive tomorrow. *Chug the rest of my water*.

Sunday, February 1, 2009


1. Unproductive once again…*sigh*.
2. I took the kids bowling with some friends. The kids were pretty well behaved, but I am exhausted. It was hectic and the kids lost interest. I’ll never take them again unless Don is with me!
3. I finally have a plan of attack for the kids’ rooms. Hopefully I’ll be putting it in to place tomorrow.
4. Our schedule was erratic with the ½ day week and Don being gone. I’m hoping things will be back to normal tomorrow.
5. I live for daily routines.
6. I finally got the mail today. No nasty notes, just bills.
7. I just got off the phone with Don. He is sightseeing in Key West. I was pleasantly surprised because it’s Super Bowl Sunday and he wasn’t drunk!
8. He’s been to Key West a million times and has never gone sightseeing!
9. Donald read 19 books today. I totally forgot about Book-it!
10. I let Kira and Mattie out in public in one of their “clothing creations”.
11. Nolan was an awesome bowler today. He used the “granny-bowler” thing and even picked up a spare!
12. I, on the other hand, bowled an 87. I did get a strike though!
13. In my own defense, I did have a 27 lb. “helper” occupying one hand while I was bowling with the other.
14. My hair is wigging out today. It really has to be “day old” to look its best.
15. I lots of white hairs on my head. I’m not coloring them either. I colored my hair once and hated the way it felt, besides, I’ve earned every one!
16. I’m annoyed with my purse and wallet situation right now. I’ve had to start carrying a backpack to conceal the lovely potty seat insert we bring everywhere. My wallet is actually a planner. Everything always falls out and it’s bulky and awkward. I think it’s time for a new purse, wallet and maybe even a Palm Centro??? I’ll be adding it to my ever-growing wish list.
17. I’m having a really hard time with this list today. My brain has shut off already.
18. I wish I could find pants that fit. I was walking up the stairs tonight, holding Nolan and all his bedtime needs, and my pants fell completely down around my ankles.
19. That makes me think of the time my sisters were here visiting and one of them had their skirt fall down in the Wal-Mart parking lot!
20. I’m itching to play Guitar Hero, but it’s not as much fun because our whammy bar is broke. I haven’t had Wii time for at least 2 weeks.
21. I hope it will be nice again later this week. I feel like cleaning the backyard.
22. I have been snacking on cottage cheese and applesauce today. It reminds me of the fun things I used to do at my Grandma Beacham’s house. I miss homemade applesauce, blanket tents, and Linda Rondstat on the 8-track player.
23. I needed a trip down memory lane, so I just turned on Blue Bayou.
24. I miss my house on Bath Road too. I can’t even drive past it when I go home to Ohio. It makes me too sad.

25. Sounds like I need some comfort food, a chick flick and a good cry tonight.