Saturday, January 31, 2009


1. I just had the kids sing “Happy Birthday” to my little cousin on the phone, it was cute!
2. I feel kind of accomplished today. I packed 4 boxes in the kitchen, cleaned the front of the refrigerator, threw away 3 bags of junk and started the next goodwill box.
3. The kids were also very productive today. They cleaned the playroom, living room, foyer, bathroom and steps.
4. To celebrate our hard work, we went to Azteca for dinner…YUM!!
5. The kids were very well behaved there and were complemented.
6. The kids and I talked to Don today. They are really missing him this time. He was headed to the bars again. He better not try to keep up with the young guys again!
7. We were driving by Hooters today and Donald said, “Have we ever been there?” to which I replied “No.”. Then he said, “I think we should go mom, it looks REALLY good!”. I laughed for 5 minutes, daddy was proud!
8. I packed my casserole pan last week. I don’t know what I was thinking. It is in the bottom of a really big box, in the back of the huge pile of boxes in the No No Room. I bought a new pan today. *sigh*.
9. I think it’s funny that I have a No No Room.
10. I’m kind of frustrated that I didn’t finish the kitchen. I still think I’m going to work on the kids’ rooms tomorrow though. I need a change of pace and I am tired of stepping on their toys.
11. I have a new mantra thanks to FlyLady…”Keep in mind that your home did not get this way overnight and it is not going to get clean in a day.”
12. I don’t think she’s met my children, they can destroy a house in 10 minutes.
13. I ran the van through the car wash today. Someday I really have to wash the inside too.
14. The car wash and $0.99 Slurpees were the highlight of my kids’ day. They’ve also been making clubhouses out of the moving boxes. Why do I buy toys and spend millions at Chuckin’ Cheese?
15. I just realized that there is no cent sign on the computer keyboard.
16. The baby thinks I work too much. He keeps bringing me his toys. He wants to watch ME play with them.
17. I can’t wait to take the kids to D.C. I have a great idea for a Zoo and Dinosaur Journal.
18. I told the kids that we could go to the Zoo after we move into our new house. Kira said, “Okay, as long as you don’t let the lions eat me.”
19. I need a shower, but have to put it off until tomorrow morning so I don’t get a second wind.
20. I find it ironic that my cat is sitting on the computer mouse.
21. She must be out of food because she is staring at me.
22. Nolan has to have his hair brushed and detangling spray after he gets dressed - my studdly little toddler.
23. I am eagerly waiting for this coming week. I have watched all my shows on my DVR. I have to watch (and not fast forward through) commercials all weekend.
24. I hear my Ben and Jerry’s Phish Food ice cream calling me.
25. I’m hoping that tomorrow will be this pleasant and productive.

Friday, January 30, 2009


1. I hate to be talked to (or emailed at) like a child.
2. I am a “type A” person, but at least (most of the time), I know my place. ‘Nuff said.
3. I’m trying 3 new recipes this paycheck and I’m pretty psyched!
4. I’m starting to like grossing my kids out with the new concoctions.
5. I would like to know why there is such a big stink about lead paint and why the government feels the need to step in. I just lost my biggest account because my bows are not certified “lead-free” by the government. Umm…don’t let your kids eat them, duh! I think that it’s getting to be a bit ridiculous!
6. I licked many a lead paint toy in my day and look at me!
7. I’m now banned to craft fairs and online orders…hint, hint …
8. I had my baby’s head shaved today. OMG! He is so freaking cute! He looks just like his big brother now.
9. He did surprisingly well with the clippers, only one whoops behind the ear. It totally freaked the hairdresser out. I think she thought I was going to get mad at the mistake.
10. I actually enjoyed my 6 year-old on Thursday, not so much today. He didn’t sit still today until he fell asleep.
11. My kids made people happy at Wal-Mart by being obnoxious. Their hysterical laughter was echoing through out the store. Everyone that walked by couldn’t help but smile.
12. I did a good deed today and it made me happy.
13. The commissary has the perfect cart for my children. It has 2 seats in the front and 2 seats in the attached car. It made my shopping experience so much better.
14. The kids and I ran errands all afternoon and they actually behaved, mostly.
15. Nolan is turning into quite the helper. He unloaded almost all the groceries onto the belt himself. It was cute until he picked up the HUGE jar of grape jelly and tried to throw it.
16. Kira read the word milk today. Sounded it out herself. I was impressed.
17. Mattie is starting to go potty by herself when we are out. She just grabs her little potty seat and heads to the bathroom.
18. I am thankful for having to memorize prices when I worked at Krieger’s (a produce market). It comes in so handy now when I make my shopping lists. I know about how much I’m going to spend before I go. It makes budgeting so much easier.
19. I splurged a little and bought myself a pint of Ben and Jerry’s Phish Food. It’s been a long day.
20. Tomorrow and Sunday are cleaning days. My kids are going to be mad. They have trashed the living room and play room and they will be cleaning it tomorrow, by themselves.
21. I’m cleaning the kitchen tomorrow. It is nasty. I can’t really function when it is a mess, so in order to clean the rest of the house, the kitchen has to be first!
22. I’m hoping to get the kid’s rooms under control on Sunday. I will be packing up a bunch of their toys. I’m also hoping to get rid of some, but we’ll see about that!
23. I bought the kids their Valentine’s Day Cards today. I got a great deal at the dollar store and they actually had a good selection this year.
24. I forgot to get the mail…all week. I’m going to get a nasty post-it on my door soon.

25. I would just like to know, if the mail man can drive by to put a post-it on my door, why can’t he just drop the mail off too? I’m home almost every day, all day long.

Thursday, January 29, 2009


1. I ordered out for pizza again tonight, but I had a good reason.
2. My daughter is puking her guts out and I’m a little queasy too.
3. Tomorrow is payday! Yippee! Hooray…it’s already spent.
4. I’m not really fond of the first check of the month. The money – yes, but the fact that we have no “fun” money – NO!
5. I’m frustrated at the thought of taking my kids grocery shopping.
6. I usually grocery shop at 5am at Wal-Mart, drop off and put away groceries, grab diapers at Target at 8am and hit the commissary at 9am before the lines are around the freaking store.
7. I was only productive because my daughter is sick. I did 3 loads of laundry and changed the cat litter.
8. My federal and state returns have been accepted, bring on the MONEY!
9. Most of it is already spoken for too…*sigh*
10. Next year we may actually get to have fun with our refund!
11. I forget to tell my little kid-slaves "thank you" sometimes…gotta work on that.
12. That doesn’t sound so nice, hmmm, should have said “helpers” :).
13. My cat is strange. I found her toys in the litter box.
14. My 6 year-old son laughs and screams like a girl.
15. Spoiled milk and cereal smells like buttered popcorn, weird. I really need to do the dishes tomorrow.
16. I’m not a fan of football. My husband will be in Key West for the Superbowl. WooHoo!
17. I hope he doesn’t drunk-dial me again.
18. My poor sickie is in my room, I wonder if I’ll get to claim my TV tonight.
19. I’m actually excited for Valentine’s Day this year. I might even go on a date!
20. I’ve had insomnia all week. I wish I could actually accomplish things while I’m awake, but no, my body is exhausted and my mind won’t shut off.
21. The kids want to go outside and play, but the yard is still wet. I hope they can get some use out of the play set while we are still living here.
22. I need to start taking more pictures of my kids. I love my camera, but I’ve been going through a non-usage phase. I hardly used it at all in Ohio.
23. I hope the kids feel well enough to get haircuts this weekend.
24. I love my Niagara Falls pen with the Maid of the Mist boat that goes back and forth. I’ve been playing with it all day. I miss the falls. We were supposed to take a vacation there last summer, but stuff came up.

25. I want ice cream with magic shell.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


1. I despise dishes.
2. We eat out a lot more when Don is gone, even though he works nights and is not usually home during the week anyways.
3. I was hoping to be productive today, but instead I spent the whole day trying to plan the girls’ birthday party.
4. Oh wait! I filed our taxes. I guess I was a little productive.
5. The girls’ birthday party is kicking my ass. Maybe I’ll feel a little more put together once we get our tax return and I actually buy supplies!
6. I plan too much and do to little.
7. I am drowning in laundry. The bow room is full of clean piles and the hall is full of dirty piles.
8. Donald has no clean pants for school tomorrow. Luckily, he’s a boy and he doesn’t care.
9. Kira has started dressing herself in the morning. She comes up with some humdingers!
10. Mattie kicks like a donkey in bed. She is now banned to the floor. I slept like a baby last night!
11. Nolan needs a haircut. He looks like Friar Tuck. I think he’s getting a buzz on Friday, despite my efforts to keep his soft baby hair.
12. I hope he doesn’t look funny with his big ol’ head.
13. I miss my husband. I had to drag 3 trashcans through 10 feet of mud, in the pouring down rain, in my sandals today.
14. I am holding out on watching LOST until Don comes home. The waiting is killing me.
15. I have been a lazy mama the last 2 weeks and have not done worksheets with the kiddos.
16. The house is “unplugged” until Friday and the kids have actually been tolerable today.
17. I should not have given my kids sweet tea before bed. They are howling at the moon (that they can’t even see) in their bed.
18. Sugar makes Kira and Nolan hysterically crazy. Funny, in small doses.
19. My to do list is weighing heavily on my mind. I should set some goals for tomorrow, but, I think I’ll take another “personal day” and power clean on the weekend.
20. I would love to curl up and read books with Nolan, but he would rather read them by himself, upside-down.
21. I haven’t been able to use the same cup all day for the whole week. There’s a 3-foot cup stack on my desk.
22. I am a bad dog owner. I just have too much other stuff on my plate.
23. I’m struggling with the decision to give the dogs away. I just think they could have a better life with someone else.
24. I want to get rid of ½ my wardrobe. Most of it is stained, out of style, not the right size. Don doesn’t want me to buy new clothes because I’m a slob when I eat. He’s probably right. They sell big-people bibs, right?

25. My cat makes me laugh. She hates baths. I have to get in the tub with her to give her one. Her new favorite watering hole – the bathtub! She comes out completely soaked.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


The mother of all posts...The First 25...
1. I'm jealous of my hubby in Key West. I would give my big toe to relax by blue water!
2. The stress of getting my house ready to sell is making me crave and eat rye toast.
3. I'm excited about being debt-free when we move to MD. Hopefully everything goes the way we are planning.
4. I miss picking up my babies and feeling the warm baby-sigh in my ear, but I am glad to be DONE!
5. I like having the bed to myself...shhh...don't tell my hubby! :)
6. I am a compulsive shopper and have thought about getting professional help.
7. I have been sick the past 3 days and have been making wish lists.
8. I "shop" online, put things in my cart, and then delete them to curb my shopping need.
9. I can honestly say I come by 6-8 honestly.
10. Speaking of my mom, I miss her very much. I've heard it gets easier, but I'd like to know when.
11. I miss having someone to call when the kids do funny/stupid/annoying things.
12. I'm starting to cry, so I need to thing of other things.
13. The things my kids come up with completly amaze me.
14. I love being at home with them full time and would like to do it until they move out...once again, shh...don't tell my hubby LMAO!
15. I still don't know what to be when I grow up.
16. The thought of failing again (and 4 children) are the reasons I've been dragging my feet about going back to school.
17. My husband wants me to be the "bread-winner" when he retires, but he will be so much more qualified to make millions :)
18. I hate the fact that I have never felt settled-in in any of the houses that we have lived in here in VB.
19. I hate having emotional attachments to crap that I haven't used in years or EVER!
20. I would like to be a nicer mom, I don't like always having to be the bad guy.
21. I wish I could connect better with my 6 year-old son. I just don't speak big kid.
22. I wish I could stick to my FlyLady stuff for more than 2 weeks.
23. I would someday like to own my own brick and mortar Girls Boutique store.
24. I would like to have more time to make hairbows. Shameless plug...( or piggytailsbowtique/
25. I could do this all night, it's therapeutic.
There was the random thought that started this blog...