Wednesday, January 28, 2009


1. I despise dishes.
2. We eat out a lot more when Don is gone, even though he works nights and is not usually home during the week anyways.
3. I was hoping to be productive today, but instead I spent the whole day trying to plan the girls’ birthday party.
4. Oh wait! I filed our taxes. I guess I was a little productive.
5. The girls’ birthday party is kicking my ass. Maybe I’ll feel a little more put together once we get our tax return and I actually buy supplies!
6. I plan too much and do to little.
7. I am drowning in laundry. The bow room is full of clean piles and the hall is full of dirty piles.
8. Donald has no clean pants for school tomorrow. Luckily, he’s a boy and he doesn’t care.
9. Kira has started dressing herself in the morning. She comes up with some humdingers!
10. Mattie kicks like a donkey in bed. She is now banned to the floor. I slept like a baby last night!
11. Nolan needs a haircut. He looks like Friar Tuck. I think he’s getting a buzz on Friday, despite my efforts to keep his soft baby hair.
12. I hope he doesn’t look funny with his big ol’ head.
13. I miss my husband. I had to drag 3 trashcans through 10 feet of mud, in the pouring down rain, in my sandals today.
14. I am holding out on watching LOST until Don comes home. The waiting is killing me.
15. I have been a lazy mama the last 2 weeks and have not done worksheets with the kiddos.
16. The house is “unplugged” until Friday and the kids have actually been tolerable today.
17. I should not have given my kids sweet tea before bed. They are howling at the moon (that they can’t even see) in their bed.
18. Sugar makes Kira and Nolan hysterically crazy. Funny, in small doses.
19. My to do list is weighing heavily on my mind. I should set some goals for tomorrow, but, I think I’ll take another “personal day” and power clean on the weekend.
20. I would love to curl up and read books with Nolan, but he would rather read them by himself, upside-down.
21. I haven’t been able to use the same cup all day for the whole week. There’s a 3-foot cup stack on my desk.
22. I am a bad dog owner. I just have too much other stuff on my plate.
23. I’m struggling with the decision to give the dogs away. I just think they could have a better life with someone else.
24. I want to get rid of ½ my wardrobe. Most of it is stained, out of style, not the right size. Don doesn’t want me to buy new clothes because I’m a slob when I eat. He’s probably right. They sell big-people bibs, right?

25. My cat makes me laugh. She hates baths. I have to get in the tub with her to give her one. Her new favorite watering hole – the bathtub! She comes out completely soaked.

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